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bow to的用法与搭配


    But the defiant editors of the encyclopaedia insist they will not bow to pressure and say anyone objecting to the controversial images can simply adjust their computers so they do not have to look at them .
    After hinting that ms tymoshenko 's sentence might be modified mr yanukovych now says he will not bow to international pressure .
    But now you have no right to expect them to bow to every whim and fancy just because selfish ego instead of common sense dominates your personality thinking and request .
    These terms implicitly assume that publishers deserve special power in the name of the authors that we are morally obliged to bow to them and that we have wronged someone if we read or listen to anything without paying .
    In the last weeks before an election dominated by economics in which geopolitics has often seemed an afterthought the world seems full of foreigners refusing to bow to american advice and imprecations .
    The un security council which oversees peacekeeping may bow to some of the government 's demands .
    Regimes that do not bow to the winds of change get blown away .
    Certainly it has its disadvantages . Elected governments bow to the demands of selfish factions and interest groups .
    Elected governments bow to the demands of selfish factions and interest groups . Even the most urgent decisions are endlessly debated and delayed .

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